Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Study On Mexican American Culture - 1362 Words

Although some believe that the Raza Studies program in Tuscan, Arizona is creating hate and resentment towards one particular race, it is actually doing the exact opposite. Love, appreciation, and respect are the foundational components of the Raza Studies program. The program teaches students how to appreciate and respect their own culture and others. Mexican American students can finally learn about the Mexican American experience without having it twisted and skewed by the dominant culture. Mexican American students can also learn how to appreciate their heritage and be proud of it. However, this program is not just geared towards one particular group of people, like some believe. People from different ethnicities and backgrounds can join the program too and learn about Mexican American history/culture. In return, those students develop an appreciation for another culture and become more well-rounded. Thus, the Raza Studies program is not a one-sided program, but is a program that everyone can take and feel accepted. The Raza Studies program teaches students how to think critically about their nation’s past and look at other accounts of history as well. One of the things they say in the Raza Studies program is, â€Å"You are my other me. If I do harm to you, I do harm to myself. If I love and respect you, I love and respect myself.† This quote proves that the Raza Studies program teaches students how to love and respect themselves and others. They teach those who seem to beShow MoreRelatedParis Gown, By Estella Portillo Trambley1200 Words   |  5 PagesMonica Bruno 23 March 2015 Professor Felix Medina Paris Gown Deep Research Essay The story, Paris Gown, by Estella Portillo Trambley, really inspired me to find out more about women’s issues, especially Mexican and Mexican American women because not only am I am a female, I am also half Mexican. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Decline Of Human Cultural Diversity - 1283 Words

Languages are being rapidly lost, at a rate of extinction. Serious concerns over the impending loss of human cultural diversity have caused many organizations to actively start engaging in the upkeep of languages. Early studies have identified areas with a high number of endangered languages, and preformed investigations. What they came across was the population size of the culture, and how vast of an area the language is spoken in, are key factors to the decline of languages. Other factors include; mass genocide, evolution, economics growth or decline, religion, a change in culture can be a partial cause for the endangerment or extinction of a language. The main factor is usually when a more powerful and pronounced language over takes the smaller subdivision languages, somewhat related to what the Lingua franca. An example of this would be in Canada. In parts of Canada such as Quebec the primary language is French, but in other many places in Canada, Toronto, Thunder Bay, Montreal , the primary language is English, so French is become less common throughout the country. The more powerful and know language allows for less language barriers, and allows easier communication. So what does it mean for a language to become endangered? It means extinction may be in the near future. Only a few people still speak the language and when they become deceased the language will soon cease to exist, unless they preserve documents or it continues to get passed on. How many languagesShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Transcultural Nursing920 Words   |  4 PagesA patient’s cultural background is important in many ways. First, their cultural background affects the type of care they receive. Some patients choose spiritual healing over traditional Western medicine. Other cultures choose not to seek hospitalization when ill and are cared for at home. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

New Ideas Into Essay Samples for Biomedical Engineering Never Before Revealed

New Ideas Into Essay Samples for Biomedical Engineering Never Before Revealed Essay Samples for Biomedical Engineering Can Be Fun for Everyone Some foreign universities require applicants to submit financial records of the prior years to ascertain the capacity of candidates to cover education and other expenditures. An advisor shall assist you with the admission procedure and also keep track of all of the deadlines. If you've got an educational advisor, he then shall also guide you. Take assistance from an advisor. The Basic Facts of Essay Samples for Biomedical Engineering Bioengineering has a large selection of applications in biomechanics, that's the study of the inner workings of the body, and clinical engineering. Biomedical engineering was created by advancements in technology. Biomedical engineers take part in the building of instruments, devices, and software. Biomedical technology was created by promotions in engineering. These prosthetics have the ability to withstand high forces and can restore a specific amount of movement to the patient. The important skills needed by a biomedical engineer include a well-rounded comprehension of many regions of engineering in addition to the particular region of application. To find out more about what things to anticipate from the study of medicine, take a look at our Study Medicine in the usa section. Holders of doctorate degrees often range in the area of academia too, a prospect that's equally as promising. Listed below are some of the colleges from where you are able to decide to pursue your program. Doctorate degrees are also extended in identical subjects. Biomedical engineering is thought to be among the fastest-growing branches of biology and medicine. Columbia's Biomedical Engineering department is on the frontier of scientific research and development in the biomedical area and that is just where I have to be. Biomechanics involves the study of mechanics, including thermodynamics, to fix biological or health care issues. The Fight Against Essay Samples for Biomedical Engineering Bioinformaticsis an umbrella term for numerous biological studies which use computers as part of their methodology. Although much headway has been created within this area in the previous twenty or so years, I feel there's a still a tendency in medicine to take care of diseases the same manner no matter who the patient is. When you bring your essay to a logical conclusion, do not neglect to provide credit to all of your sources and references. You will have to give evidence from academic so urces to back up your argument. It's an area of engineering that's gaining considerable recognition for its value to society. Any modern-day medical facility in concurrent times is predicted to have two principal constituents an expert medical professional and effective machinery. Therefore, the rate of job growth in the area might be in a position to sustain a considerable number of new entrants as the demand for people who specialize in this area of engineering increases. It is there that the importance of engineering for a branch enters the fore. It could sound odd but an important element of the job is having the ability to designing the pharmaceutical facility. Thus, there are a lot of challenges that the biomedical engineering field is facing that should be addressed for the field to keep growing later on. A number of the flyover rail lines have been so fascinating they have become tourist websites. For instance, a biomedical engineer who has developed a new device designed to enable an individual with a disability to walk again may have to devote hours in a hospital to find out whether the gadget works as planned. Essay Samples for Biomedical Engineering Ideas Carry on reading on to find out more about engineering resumes. Writing Cornell college of engineering essay may be an intimidating practice. Education is among the most diverse disciplines that any college offers, and there are a lot of approaches to start creating an education paper. Students are permitted to resend completed assignments for any rectificat ions as several times as they need with no excess charge. There are a few helpful strategies for writing an essay. Even in case you don't have experience with engineering, you can secure an expert aid in making your essay. There's much research and background study that must be done in-order to create a totally prosperous paper. Be certain that the style of writing is easy and simple to comprehend. Essay Samples for Biomedical Engineering: the Ultimate Convenience! Computer Engineering-Admission Procedure Level wise Taking admission abroad is certainly a tough endeavor but there are a couple of things you can do in order to make things easier. The Resume Summary is where you are able to discover different facts about the candidate. Deadlines are extremely essential as missing these dates may lead to the termination of the application.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sustainable HR Department-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management. Answer: Introduction The report talks about a hospital organization which does not consist dedicated and committed HR department. Therefore all the activities of HR department such as recruitment, selection, performance appraisal are carried and derived by the CEO and other senior managers of the organization. In this way, CEO and other managers faced many difficulties and problems in the organization. In the given case study, the CEO and managers do not be able to perform the HR task very effectively because they do not have enough knowledge about the HR practices and strategies. On the other side, the report presents a brief overview of the similar hospital which operates the business very effective way. This hospital maintains a sustainable HR department to carry all the functions of a human resource such as recruitment, selection, performance appraisal and training and development. The report explains that how the first hospital improves the operations of the human resource department at the hospital. It also explains that how it develops and builds sustainable HR capability in the organization. It evaluates the HR practices and strategies which are used by the every organization. Importance of human resource management The terms human resource management may be defined as formal systems which divided the employees with an organization for the effective management. In such way, human resource management is a distinct process which includes all the functions and activities of a human resource such as recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, compensation, training, and development. It helps to build favorable relations between employers and employees and human resource management also provides a good working environment to employees for doing work effectively. In such way, it seems that human resource management plays a crucial role in an organization (Boselie, 2010). Human resource management appoints employees for the organization and it provides training to them. Therefore, the HR department brings potential and competence employees in an organization. The human resource department maintains discipline and decorum in the organization. In such way, the HR department helps to increase the productivity of the organization and it also improves the efficiency of employees for achieving organizational goals and objectives (Ehnert, 2009). Suggestions and recommendations to develop the HRM In the given case study, many key challenges and difficulties are faced by the first hospital due to inappropriate HR department. In the given case, HR functions are operated and managed by the CEO and finance managers of the company. To resolve these challenges, CEO and finance manager should make plans and procedures for the employees. All these plans, policies and procedures should be implemented in writing. If the person does not follow these plans and procedures then action should be taken by the CEO and senior managers. The organization should make strategies for training and development of employees and it should also make policies to maintain discipline in the organization. In such way, the company can maintain a safe and favorable working environment for doing work (Guest, 2011). In the first case study, CEO and other managers faced many problems related to staff shortage, absenteeism, and staff grievances and employees turnover. So the company must make strict rules and policies for the employees. In this way, employee turnover, staff shortage, and absenteeism can be controlled and managed by the organization. The company should appoint a person or a committee who can handle the grievances and disputes of employees. The top management should also monitor the activities of the employees. The company should build a sustainable human resource management for the employees. CEO and other managers should provide the training and development to new employees (Storey, 2014). It should also provide the cross culture training and development to employees. The organization must make strategies and techniques for motivation. It will encourage employees for doing work and it will motivate the employees. CEO and managers should improve the working conditions and managerial skills of people. In this way, the company can retain the workers for doing work. If the employees are giving excellent performance then the company should provide rewards and incentives to these employees. It will enhance the morale of the employees and will provide satisfaction to them. The managers should also promote the teamwork and team collaboration in the organization. In such way, CEO and senior managers can improve and develop the human resource management in the hospital organization and it also can render good services to the patients (Kompaso Sridevi, 2010). Key features to build and develop a sustainable HR capability Sustainable human resource management is an emerging, dynamic and long term oriented concept. Sustainability refers to the meeting the requirements and demands of the employees without compromising the capability of future generation to meet their needs and desires. It also includes the social, economic and environmental factors of the organization. Sustainable HRM plays a vital role in an organization to the achievement of goals and objectives (Bocken, Short, Rana Evans, 2014). The key strategies to build and develop a sustainable HR capability, they are discussed as below. Information and knowledge based strategy: The Company should develop the information and knowledge based strategy to build a sustainable HR capability in the organization. The strategy includes the internet and website related work (Motesharrei, Rivas Kalnay, 2014). Time-related strategy: It should focus on the time-based strategy and policy to develop the sustainable human resource management in an organization. This strategy includes the flexible time, full-time works, part time works and job sharing. Direct service approach and strategy: This strategy plays a vital role in the development of sustainable human resource capabilities in the company. It also includes the onsite health and beauty location, emergency backup care and onsite child care etc (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). Cultural change strategy: It is also an important strategy to build a sustainable HR capability in the organization. So the managers should provide cross cultural training to employees to understand the culture of the organization. This strategy also includes the good working conditions, maternity leaves, part time jobs and good relationship between HR and employees. Recruitment and selection strategy: The strategy plays a significant role in recruitment and selection process. The company should make an effective strategy for recruitment and selection (Dudley, 2008). Sustainable HR practices also include the training and development, performance appraisal, compensation and incentive strategy, motivation strategy and financial and non financial strategy. All these strategies should be implemented by the CEO and senior managers to build and develop a sustainable human resource management. Now it can be said that sustainable human resource management plays a significant role in every organization so every company should maintain an effective human resource department (Boselie, 2010). Conclusion Now it is concluded that each and every organization should maintain the sustainable human resource management. In the given case study, one organization does not maintain the dedicated HR department and another organization maintains a sustainable HR department. Therefore the first organization faced many key challenges and problems. So CEO and other senior managers need to improve and develop the human resource management. The organization should develop the strategies and HR practices to build a sustainable human resource management. In this way, the hospital organization can improve its management and operations. The report explains the strategies and policies of human resource management. References Bocken, N. M. P., Short, S. W., Rana, P., Evans, S. (2014). A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, 42-56. Boselie, P. (2010). High Performance Work Practices in the Health Care Sector: a Dutch Case Study. International Journal of Manpower, 31(1), 42-58. Boselie, P. (2010).Strategic human resource management: A balanced approach. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Dudley, N. (Ed.). (2008).Guidelines for applying protected area management categories. IUCN. Ehnert, I. (2009). Sustainability and Human Resource Management: Reasoning and Applications on Corporate Websites. European Journal of International Management, 3(4), 419-438 Guest, D. E. (2011). Human Resource Management and Performance: Still Searching for Some Answers. Human Resource Management Journal, 21(1), 3-13. Kompaso, S. M., Sridevi, M. S. (2010). Employee engagement: The key to improving performance.International journal of business and management,5(12), 89. Motesharrei, S., Rivas, J., Kalnay, E. (2014). Human and nature dynamics (HANDY): Modeling inequality and use of resources in the collapse or sustainability of societies.Ecological Economics,101, 90-102. Sparrow, P., Brewster, C., Chung, C. (2016).Globalizing human resource management. Routledge. Storey, J. (2014).New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals). Routledge.